What level of runner do you coach?

All levels! From beginners to elite athletes.

How does the process of Online Coaching work?

  1. John Henwood Will set up with you a 15min call to discus goals and coaching options.
  2. Once your payment is processed, you’ll be emailed a questionnaire which will give us all the details we need to know about your running history, medical history etc.
  3. You’ll be then sent an email from the coaching platform “Final Surge” to invite you to sign up for a Final Surge account. (free).
  4. The coach will then create an individualized training program (monthly), based on your present running fitness level with the process in mind of bridging the gap towards your running goals.

When should I contact my running coach?

Contact your coach for:

  • ANY advice about what’s on your training program
  • recommended pace or effort
  • what to do when you miss training or need your training changed around. Always ask the coach rather than changing on your own!
  • how to handle any pain before, during or after your run.
  • advice on footwear, clothing, nutrition and surface to run on.

How will I be billed?

Coaching is automatically renewed monthly.

What if I sign up and then something happens like an illness, injury or a life stress gets in the way and I need to take a break from the program?

We will stop your payments and put everything on hold.